Monday, October 24, 2011

Is my health care plan better than Obama Care?

1. Tort Reform (Loser Pays) - This is not a silver bullet, but it will reduce costs. Even Obama has acknowledged this. Losers of lawsuits pay the opposing sides legal bills.

2. Open up the market nationally – Allow consumers to buy insurance where ever they can get the best plan for their family, whether or not it is in their state.

3. Make consumers of health care responsible for purchasing insurance – There is no reason my employer should select my insurance plan. I should be responsible to purchase insurance just like I purchase my car or home insurance. Insurance companies should be accountable to me, not my employer. Currently, if I am unsatisfied, I have no where to go. To this end, employers can drop insurance plans for employees, but they must pass on the amount they used to pay for health care to the employee. This solution would also remove the issue of insurance portability whenever an employee leaves. Also, insurance companies can charge more for lifestyle behavior which is proven to be more risky (smoking, etc).

4. Tax deduction for individual buyers of insurance, but not for companies – Since employees will now be responsible for their own health care, they will receive the same tax benefits employers currently have.

5. Reduce government regulation – Government should not regulate what will and will not be covered. Consumers should be allowed to choose their specific coverage based on their family needs. Insurance companies should provide a wealth of options in order to capture more business. However, people need to realize they will not be covered for care they have not previously selected (same as home and car insurance).

6. Change the way consumers view insurance – Currently, consumers expect insurance to pay for all health care. Consumers have stopped price shopping because they only pay a small portion of the total cost. Consumers should expect to pay for routine or planned for events like check ups and pregnancy). Imagine if car insurance paid for gas, oil changes, and tire rotations. How much would car insurance go up every year? The way to hold prices down is by having the consumers of health care shop for the best value. To this end, hospitals and doctors should be prepared to give prices for specific procedures, just like car repair shops. These estimates are required after initial tests. Suppliers will also need to justify when the cost is more than the estimate.

7. Preexisting conditions – At an early age (once off parent’s insurance), allow anyone to purchase insurance irregardless of preexisting conditions. If they opt to not purchase insurance, they can be turned down at a later time for preexisting conditions. However, allow them to buy in later by paying a lump sum “buy in” amount to be determined by the free market. Thus, if I wait till I am 30 to buy insurance, maybe I need to pay $3,000 to buy in. If I am 50 before purchasing insurance, maybe I pay $10,000 buy in. Let the market decide. For those who choose not to buy insurance and become seriously ill, they will need to pay for any services they receive.Is my health care plan better than Obama Care?Most likely it is but we're not even sure what all's in it because theres a different bill in the house and the senate and they're constantly being amended. But even if it is let me ask you this: If you're buying your own insurance do you really want to pay for someone else's with taxes? - (That's why I'm p.o'd about it)Is my health care plan better than Obama Care?1. Again, the best justice money can buy. Enough said.

2. In order to open the market nationally, the laws would have to be common throughout the land. This would mean that insurance law would become a federal responsibility. Isn't that what people are currently screaming about??

3. Uh, many have insurance - AFFORDABLE insurance - because it is offered through employers. It is called quantity purchases. We get breaks for groups purchasing from the same plan. And it allows many larger companies to be their own insurer. Target doesn't have an insurance company holding their insurance - they have a company that is the ADMINISTRATOR, or they basically use Target money to run Target's health insurance plan for the employees. Without this, insurance would SKYROCKET because every individual would have their own plan. There is nothing that says because insurance is offered by your employer you have to take it! So go out and buy your own if you think that you can get something cheaper and better, and more fit for you. Who in the hell told you that if your employer offered it you HAD to take it?

4. So no tax incentive for companies to provide insurance - many of them providing THEIR OWN?? Oh, see #3 for your short fall on that one.

5. Uh, if you want insurance to be nation wide, then the GOVERNMENT has to regulate it. It becomes federal when it is run across state laws. You kidnap someone in your state, it is a state crime. You cross the state line, it becomes a federal offense. Same thing here. See #1.

6. You obviously are backwards. Preventative medicine is what keeps people healthy. If you stop people from getting breaks on preventative medicine, they are only going to see the doctor when they get sick. Many do that now. How are those medical costs?? Pretty high, aren't they?? And I hate to tell you, but even married couples have %26quot;accidental%26quot; pregnancies. I was on the pill (99.9% effective, so the pamphlet says). I paid out of pocket fully for that each month. And now, because I happened to get pregnant while BEING RESPONSIBLE and trying not to get pregnant until planned on, I should have to pay for the full pregnancy?? After insurance, my 4 year old daughter cost us $3,500.00. So I should have to pay the entire costs because the pill failed me??

7. Uh, there are many young people that don't feel the need. You gonna penalize someone for being young and not preparing for when they are 60? You know the average time a young individual starts a 401K for retirement? It sure as hell isn't 18 - 24 year olds, that's for sure. Good luck with that one. So you will have people that can't afford to buy in for their insurance, so they won't get it. And then they will not be able to pay the bill when they get sick and HAVE to get medical attention. And they will file bankruptcy. And then we - the insured ones - end up getting the costs passed onto us. . . Oh, wait a minute. Isn't that the problem right now??

I will give you kudos for trying, but no. It is no where near being in the same realm as the one currently being proposed. So obviously you need to figure something else out, and the rest of us can thank our lucky stars that you don't represent us or write bills.Is my health care plan better than Obama Care?your plan is much better.. too bad our legislators couldn't come up with one like that.

of course you didn't take into account how much they are making off this.. you know the big payoff etc.

That is why yours is better.. it makes sense.. God forbid government would make any sense!
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  • asks for advice
  • Can Bigger Rims Change Speedometer and Odometer?

    I bought a brand new car Toyota Matrix XRS, it comes with 18 inch low profile tires. I have external GPS and Anti COP Radar both of is showing lets say 35mph and car is showing 39mph. I tested it with my other car and if radar, and gps how 35 car is showing 35. Those RIMS came stock on that model car, do you think it has something to do with that. Also is it just speed that is incorrect or could it change the actual millage of the car? Should i take it to the dealer to calibrate speedometer?Can Bigger Rims Change Speedometer and Odometer?yesCan Bigger Rims Change Speedometer and Odometer?first, definitely get the speedo recalibrated if the speed is inaccurate. if those 18's are stock, then the speedo is definitely innacurate. milage can also be affected by the speedoCan Bigger Rims Change Speedometer and Odometer?Larger rims create a larger circumference for the tire so when the speedometer is reading 35 you are actually traveling a further distance at a greater rate of speedCan Bigger Rims Change Speedometer and Odometer?This should have been programed into your vehicles computer at the factory during production. It could have been over looked. This should not cost you anything at the dealership to have it checked since the vehicle is new.Can Bigger Rims Change Speedometer and Odometer?yes you will have to take it to a dealer to get it recalibrated because i kinda doubt you have the computer tool dealCan Bigger Rims Change Speedometer and Odometer?Every timeCan Bigger Rims Change Speedometer and Odometer?I remember sometime back a ruckus about Japanese makes having speedometers that were too fast from the factory. Warranties ran out quicker.

    Seems like another case of that.

    Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?

    To me the idea seems silly since most women don't even know how to change a tire or oil, so why should they get to pick out their own car? Besides, picking out a car is a man's job. Sometimes women get to into the looks of a car without knowing the mechanical reliability behind it. Am I right here?Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?Actually statistics have shown that over 75% of all car purchases made in the US are ultimately chosen by women. Their primary criteria (within their price range) in order of importance: safety, reliability, ease of maintainance, fuel efficiency (economy), utility, ergonomic design, power and handling and last %26quot;looks%26quot;. Men tend to be the ones to reverse these factors. Studies have shown that while men who purchase vehicles tend to only consider themselves, women consider the needs of the entire family including the children.Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?compromise?Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?Do you pick out your own clothes, even if you can't mend them?Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?only red neck make there wifes choicesDo you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?Are you for real?Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?It depends on the money situation.Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?If it is her car...absolutely. You can assist her but she is the one driving it. Do you think men should be able to pick out their food...most of them don't know how to cook. What about their clothes...most men don't know how to dress.

    Sound ridiculous right? Get over it and let her pick out her own car. Control freak!Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?Yes they should. Sexist asshole.

    Have fun being single forever.Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?its going to be her car, she should chooseDo you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?yes I do, this is not the dark ages!!!Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?Women are smarter than you think. I do my research before I shell out a lot of money for something. I look into what the car offers and the safety. I check out the blue book value to make sure that I am not paying too much. You can suggest going with her to pick out the car but try not to take over. You can give your advice but over all it needs to be her decision.Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?I think the woman and the man should pick out the car together. You are correct about a woman not knowing all the details about a car, but if it is her car, then why not let her have say? Some women DO know how to change a tire or the oil. Men and women should be treated equally.Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?in less you are a master tech she has as much right to pick a car as you doDo you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?Did you know that it's the 21sy century? Eisenhower is no longer the President. We can actually fly now! Guess what? You'll need to sit down for this one....Women can vote!!!!Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?hahahaha...while you are at it, mr. husband of the year, why not drag her by the hair and make her do the dishes?Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?Have her look at her car's ratings for reliability on the internet as posted by an independent rating company.

    Really, if you aren't doing the work and buying the parts, why should you care? Methinks the real problem is your need to control things.

    So... you're wrong for not extending the option. You only wish to do the choosing. It is a man's job to lead his household, not to be a hardass.Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?See.......this is how problems start. As a male lucky enough to be married, I have learned that even when you wife %26quot;might%26quot; be wrong (about a major purchase purhaps) you NEVER say things like, this is the mans job, or you don;t know how to make this decision.

    Case in point, my Mrs and I did go car shopping. She did fall in love with some cars that lacked practicallity for our situation. For example, purchaing the cute little red toyota wasn't the best option since the car would eventually need to haul around a baby in a car seat. So instead of just telling her she was wrong, I talked through the pro's and con's of the vehicle with her (making sure the cons were indeed winning) and let her make the decision. She chose a better fit and she didn't at all feel like I was being a jerk.Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?Are you trying to solicit a bunch of responses from outraged women? If your wife in particular doesn't know much about cars and you do by virtue of your, uh, birthright then you should assist her in shopping for a car. Regardless of how much she knows about maintenance, she is bound to have an opinion on what she would like her car to look like, how big it should be, and other things. Stop worrying about who is right and help her make an informed decision.Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?ah yeah. I have to drive it every day I'll pick it out. oh and I know how to change a tire and the oil. You are not right here! All of my women friends are the ones who do the research on the vehicle prior to purchase. Most men I know go for looks not mechancial reliablity. get your head out of the sand. It will be the coldest day in hell when my husband tells me what vehicle to drive.Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?Yes, we should. The only reason I didn't pickout my car was because it was a surprise present. I woke up with keys on my husbands pillow and a 2007 Mercury Mariner in my driveway. I was so excited, my husband did a perfect job of picking it out for me. I picked out the last 2 cars we bought, so it is a fair trade.Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?It is her car is it not? So what if she doesn't know how to change a tire or oil----men have to be good for something!!Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?you cant do this major thing together?? seems a couple kind of thing...a car isnt exactly coke or pepsi unoDo you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?You are sooo wrong. If she can pick out a husband she can surly pick out a car.

    If it's her car then it's none of your business and unless she's an idiot she's perfectly capable of going on the Internet and doing some research.

    I feel very sorry for your wife if this question is about her.Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?mmm.. amazing what a lady can do these days better than some boys..!!..

    If you have a wife..and you don't trust her!!..

    ..and all the future family expect to have.....

    you might as well kiss it all good

    all it takes is patience to teach.!! ..what can she teach you..!!..

    about being such.. and having respect equally..Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?i think a wife should be able to pick out her own car if you dont think the car is mechanical sound you should tell her and if your relatioship is right she will respect what you say in the same since you should allow her to pick out a cute car

    maybe you should pick it out together//you look at the mechanical part and she pick out all that girl stuff

    together you should come up with a car that you both will be happy with

    good luckDo you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?Your right on fixing the car, but that is why there is this thing called MECHANICS. Every women should pick their own car

    especially if they are paying for it. They work hard for what they

    are getting and NO MAN should have to choose for them. We

    don't choose a car for our man, so why should they pick for us.

    If the girl is getting it as a present then go ahead and pick, because your buying and that would make it a gift. Now I'm

    I right here? YEAH DUDE!! Oh just to let you know I do know

    how to change my tires and do and oil change. I'm a little disabled

    so I can't do it myself. I know how to do a radiator flush, change

    my lights on my car when they burn out. add fluids to my car.

    I can learn but with my disability it is stopping me from doing

    the things I want to do with everything and anything.Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?okay, there are many women who can perform car services and so because of them we other women are able to pick out our card. and why should we let you men pick out some manly car for us women to drive... would you like it if we made you watch some women sport or cook??? i think not so... dont be sexist!Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?hm believe me not all women lack the ability to do some work on cars. I was married to a man who had no idea of how to change a flat tire. My dad was a excellent mechanic and living out of state I'd call him if I had a problem with our cars and he'd describe over the phone what I needed to do or replace to fix the problem. Worked for me every time. And my ex never lifted a finger to help me. So I'd say I'd be pretty upset had he told me I couldn't pick my own car. ;o)Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?Seems to me if she was able to choose a husband she could choose a car!

    Nothing personal, but why don't you consider your %26quot;daughter%26quot; presenting you with the same notions...get with the new millenium. I am 50 and can ride a Harley, dock a boat, change my oil, maintain my own car, apply for a loan...etc. Gone are the days when ONLY a man can do this or that. Yes it is very nice to have someone who can-but if you died-where would she be?

    If you are so concerned that she is so superficial, why not just use a list of most important virtues in the new car---like 4w/d or not, economy or not, mileage-lease/own, stick/auto...does she commute or haul kids or both? Do you let her pick out the vacuum cleaner?Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?Think about the things you trust your wife with? She is probably very capable in many areas, especially since you married her. My husband and I always start with my reasoning for wanting a specific car - we then do very diligent research to determine if it will be a good buy or not. Don't discount her opinion because she is a woman, she has to drive it, and should have some input.

    Instead of trying to be right, be helpful. If your wife chooses a car that isn't good quality, show and tell her why. Guide her to a better vehicle, and value her voice in the matter. You would want the same respect. Work together!Do you think a wife should be able to pick out her own car?dude - can you even imagine how wonderful you will make your wife feel for having complete confidence in her.... Hello.... I won't even go into the whole chauvinistic thing but I bet some of your responses from women won't be so kind......

    Remember to mean it when you let her know her car is her car and that means pick it and drive it - of course offer to help if requested...

    How long does it take to learn about cars?

    i am a novice and i only know how to check my oil. How long does it take to check oil change tires, change auto parts, and fix things without going to the mechanic?How long does it take to learn about cars?A lifetime, technology changes all the time. Every car manufacturer is different, you'll never stop learning.How long does it take to learn about cars?I'm 45 years old bought my first car at 13 own more cars than I remember, and worked on everyone of them.

    I'm still learning about cars and how fix them.

    when you get a car read the owners manual on each that should be a good startHow long does it take to learn about cars?really you never stop learning I'm 38 and everyday i learn new things much do you like your career?

    I'm about to start at a tech school and study automotive technology. I don't know squat about cars other than changing tires and changing oil, but i've helped others fix their cars even though I didn't know anything and it was always fun. Also, i'm interested in the industry because i'm sure of the sense of accomplishment you have after a day's work. I just want to learn a skill that's hands on, where you can work alone mostly, and have that sense of accomplishment after working. How much do you like your career? Any suggestions about my schooling? much do you like your career?many jr colleges have an automotive section where you can learn a lot about autos. what you should do in addition is find a mentor, some one who can help you in addition to the school you will receive. A mentor can also help you understand management and what it takes to get into much do you like your career?it is very much a hands on field. if you do not mind getting dirty, and cut all of the time. i am an ase certified master tech. but with the way that the market is going i can not find a job that i have training in. what i am saying is this, think about it long and hard, if you do go into this field i wish you the best of luck. btw the price of tools alone is just astronomical. much do you like your career?I just graduated from Universal Technical Institute in January. Its not a bad idea to go through a tech school before trying to make it into the automotive industry. Once you graduate if your grades are atleast a 3.4 people will be calling you. No more calling for interviews. Theyll call you. If the school you choose has a manufacture program like nissan, ford, toyota, etc. Id suggest taking that as well. More education more money.

    Practical skills for kids?

    There was a question in adolescence that listed some practical skills (see below) and asked teens how many of them they could do. Most could do at least a few, some could do all or nearly all, some could do none. I thought it was kind of interesting to see, but it was a short and incomplete list (can't blame him for not making the survey 200 questions long, though!) So parents, as far as PRACTICAL skills go (i.e. not %26quot;learning to treat others with compassion), what would be added (or cut) from the list to make it more complete in your opinion?

    Here's the list he gave:

    Cook (I don't mean ramen or easy mac, I mean a real meal)


    Drive stickshift

    Change the oil in a car

    Do CPR

    Change a tire

    Do laundry

    Shoot a gun

    Build a fire

    Put together a resume

    Use jumper cablesPractical skills for kids?My only cut would be shooting a gun.

    Add: internet search

    washing dishes

    grocery shopping

    paying bills/budgeting/ balancing a checkbook

    job interview skills


    good sportsmen ship

    making a telephone call to a place of business ( I know this one sounds silly, but was surprisingly hard for me when I first moved out)Practical skills for kids?Read a compass or GPS.

    How to look for your car properly if you've lost it in a parking garage.

    Vacuum behind the door in the corner. :PPractical skills for kids?house cleaning

    basic yard work(how to work a mower and deal with weeds)

    balancing a checkbook and financially appropriate decisions.

    How to use public transportationPractical skills for kids?Mend clothes.....yes, a bit 17th/18th century but very useful all the same, particularly for boys who are out and about doing all the lovely things they do to tear up their clothing.Practical skills for kids?I'm assuming this is all BY age 18. Some things I would expect a young child to know how to do, others would probably not be learned until the late teens.

    I would agree with all of those, along with really all other car maintenance, first aid, changing a diaper (not rocket science, but I've seen people botch it before and it can be very messy), some basic ways of figuring out directions, swimming, dancing (just enough to have one dance at your wedding without making an *** of yourself), all other householdy skills, how to use public transportation, how to read maps, how to speak your native language properly, the names and functions of the major tools, an understanding of credit, taxes, insurance, etc., how to write a research paper and cite sources, how to back up your hard drive, how to paint a wall...

    There's more, I'll come back to this.

    EDIT: Lady Morgaine is right, you should be able to mend a tear or sew a button back on.

    G8R mommy: do you just take your car to the shop and change the oil there then? Because it's definitely a necessary part of car maintenance, but I know shops will do it for you. Never met anyone who didn't do it at home though.Practical skills for kids?I would remove:

    shoot a gun

    change the oil on a car

    I can't imagine needing to do either of those. The rest I think are all good skills to have, And admittedly, I don't think I could change a tire if my life depended on it. All the rest, minus the two I listed above, I can do.


    Yes, both DH and I take our cars in to have the oil changed. It's 30 bucks. I never met anyone that did it at home. I really see no need to do it yourself when it is so cheap to have it done. Most apartment complexes (assuming that is most likely where an 18-25yo would live as I did when I was that age) won't allow it to be done on property anyway.Practical skills for kids?Cleaning, self defense, organizationPractical skills for kids?Cook.

    Establish and stick to a budget.

    Drive - stick shift included.


    Change a tire.

    Run a load of laundry.


    Speak correctly, including saying please and thank you.


    Use Jumper Cables.

    Write a Resume.

    Interview for a job.

    Balance a checkbook.

    Understand how credit works - credit cards, mortgages, etc.

    Basic child care - diapering, washing, feeding a baby.

    Basic computer use.

    Use a condom.

    Read a map.

    Let's be honest - most people will never have to know how to make a fire in their lives. It's handy, but it's not essential. There are many people who will never shoot a gun, and again, it's handy to know but not essential.Practical skills for kids?I am 30 and can't do CPR never learned keep meaning to take a class, Change oil on a car my dad did not know and so I never learned, shoot a gun again my dad never believed in guns we were not even allowed water guns as kids. I have never even touched a gun, I guess I know how to build a fire but i need matches to start it never was a boy scout, and drive a stick never had one so no where to learn. I would remove those :)

    I would add

    This may seem simple but kids need to be taught professional phone etiquette

    How to use public transport (which includes reading a bus schedule and getting on connecting buses in case their car is in need of repair and they don't have a rental or back up)

    Basic lawn maintenance (mowing pruning of shrubs without killing them)

    Basic home improvement (changing a washer on a faucet etc)

    Read a map your GPS might break and you need a paper back up

    I think also the knowledge and confidence that if you don't know know where to go and ask/find out or ask for help

    For example I put in a new sink and vanity in the bathroom. That was not something My parents taught me but I got a book and was given step by step instructions that coupled with my basic knowledge of tools that they did teach me I was able to do that on my ownPractical skills for kids?I would never allow any of this at all in my house under age eight-teen.

    Most of them require licenses or parental guidance unless over eight-teen.

    Cajunmama- I could say it any better.
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  • The steering wheel on my bmw 316i n reg is sitting squint, how do i straighten it as it has an air bag.?

    the front drivers side tyre was changed and 6 months prior to this the passanger side one was changed but the car was only driven a few hundred miles between tyres which makes me thinlk that the tread on the tyres aint an issue, it is sitting about 25-30 degrees out and as it has an airbag i don't know how to go about sorting this.The steering wheel on my bmw 316i n reg is sitting squint, how do i straighten it as it has an air bag.?Sounds like a front-wheel alignment is in order.

    Don't try to do this yourself, aligning the front wheels requires specialized, sensitive equipment to achieve the precise alignment specs required by the manufacturer, and besides, it doesn't cost much (usually about 40 USD here in the States). Improper alignment can cause improper tire wear, tracking problems (as you already know), and evil handling characteristics.The steering wheel on my bmw 316i n reg is sitting squint, how do i straighten it as it has an air bag.?The correct way to get it sorted is to take the car to your local tyre garage. Ask then to re-set the alignment of the steering wheel. They will turn it straight and set the alignment back on the wheels.

    Ja.The steering wheel on my bmw 316i n reg is sitting squint, how do i straighten it as it has an air bag.?Like Ron says, it's the track rod ends that need adjusting equally on each side (in on one side %26amp; out on the other)- that way you don't need to undo the steering wheel at all.The steering wheel on my bmw 316i n reg is sitting squint, how do i straighten it as it has an air bag.?Your tracking needs sorting...ANY tyre place can do this,by keeping your steering wheel central then adjust your tracking accordingly.The steering wheel on my bmw 316i n reg is sitting squint, how do i straighten it as it has an air bag.?Take the car for an alignment, they will usually true up the steering wheel as part of the process. You can mention it when you bring it in to be sure.The steering wheel on my bmw 316i n reg is sitting squint, how do i straighten it as it has an air bag.?Adjust the track rod ends (out on one side and in on the other)

    Move them equal turns on each side to maintain tracking.

    The wheel should straighten a bit each 1/4 turn of the rod ends. (provided you are moving them in the right direction.

    If you don't know what track rod ends are, then take it to a service centre and have it done.

    How do I change a flat on a 1999 Honda Civic LX?

    I'm trying to change a flat on the front passenger side tire. I've removed all of the lug nuts, and the hub cap. But now I tug and tug and the wheel/tire will not come off. The hub is exposed and it appears that there is possibly an additional nut in the center holding it in. From my limited internet research, this might be an axil spindle nut. If so how to I get this off. It's huge, and My tire changing kit has not included tools to get it off. It may also be that I'm perceiving this situation wrong and the wheel is rusted on or something. I opened the car user manual and in the section that talks about changing a flat, it mentions nothing about having to remove a center nut. If there truly is an additional nut that I have to remove, I would be pretty pissed off. I noticed the flat in my garage, but I would be helpless to do anything If I was stranded somewhere away from home. It doesn't make sense that they would not include a tool to remove such a nut, for this very reason, and so I'm wondering if there is simply something that I'm missing. Any help would be appreciated.How do I change a flat on a 1999 Honda Civic LX?1. remove hub cap

    2. remove the 4 lug nuts, only 4 leave the center bolt alone.

    3. jack the car up

    4. pull off wheel, if its stuck hit the back with a rubber hammer.How do I change a flat on a 1999 Honda Civic LX?Don't touch the nut. Get something like a piece of wood or large pipe to hit the back of the tire (try with your hand first) but it's just stuck on because it hasn't been removed in a long time probably.

    Your right it's the spindle nut and don't touch it!

    I should probably mention this as well - Your not supposed to simply change a front flat tire on a front wheel drive car - it is recomended to take one of the intact tires from the rear and put this on the front and the spare tire on the rear...I don't make the rules, just follow them!How do I change a flat on a 1999 Honda Civic LX?did you jack the car up?How do I change a flat on a 1999 Honda Civic LX?the nut in middle is not removed to take tire/wheel off.....wheel is just stuck...i had a flat on a 94 toyota...removed all nuts and couldn't get it off...even put it on the ground and drove a bit with the nuts off it...then hammered it and used a pry bar....finally called for a wrecker/flat bed and the shop guy used a freaking torch to heat it and hit it with a 15 pound sledge hammer to get it to pop off...I never saw anything like it...good luckHow do I change a flat on a 1999 Honda Civic LX?A trick to always remember when changing tires is to loosen the nuts when the car is still on the ground, before you jack it up. Just loosen them so that their locks release, then jack up and remove the wheel. If it still won't work, take off all the nuts and SLOWLY let the car down, until the wheel gets a bit of weight on it. Jack it back up and see if the weight on the unbolted wheel released it. If not, get a cloth and tie it around the wheel spanner, and stick it into the wheel's spokes. Pry off the wheel with the spanner. The cloth is so you don't damage the wheel/mag/rim.

    PS, removing that big nut will cause a LOT of trouble, do not touch it! Also, be carefull when removing the tire to not hook the brakepads, as this will cause the breakfluid leaking out and the brakes will then have to be bled, etc. etc.How do I change a flat on a 1999 Honda Civic LX?do not try to remove that big nut. it is use for holding the drive shaft on.

    try this. put one lug nut back on, about 1/4 way on. then sit on the ground and stomp on the side of the tire.

    Why is my Check Tire Pressure light on?

    I have a 2005 Grand Prix GXP. About a month ago, my check tire pressure light came on. I took my car to meineke to get an oil change and fuel injection service and had them check the tires. They said my tires seemed OK. They put more air in them and reset the system. I have driven my car about 1200 miles since and my check tire pressure light came on again. My tires look fine (nothing noticeable). Can someone tell me what this could be and how much to fix?Why is my Check Tire Pressure light on?It could be a slow leak or it could be the change of season if the tires are just inflated enough to turn the light off when they are cold they will trigger the light. Was it cold the first day it happened? Is it all the tires or just one tire?Why is my Check Tire Pressure light on?You probably have a slow air leak. Take it to a tire shop and have them check all tires for air leaks.Why is my Check Tire Pressure light on?If the system was reset after they put air in your tires and it lasted a month or so before the light came back on, then it is safe to assume that you have a slow leak in one of the tires. Check inside the treads of the tire and spin the tire, you may see a small nail or screw that is letting the air escape. You can also spray some washer fluid around the rim and valve stem, they will leak sometimes by the wheel weights so you may see a small bubble of air seeping out in that area. Move the valve stem side to side when you spray it, it can also leak from this area. If no luck, take the car anywhere that they sell tires and have them dunked in a water tank to see if they can spot the location of your leak.

    Good Luck........Why is my Check Tire Pressure light on?Obviously a slow leak... likely the valve stem...Why is my Check Tire Pressure light on?Check the sensor on the rim and see if it may be a bit loose. Its a possibility.

    Nissan 2004 quest car problems .. according to dealer?

    Ok My car was perfect.

    I had interioir light problems took it to the dealer. He changed the BCM, Thats when everything started going downhill

    First the tire pressure monitor was not working

    Then I realised the car started giving me only 15 mpg(it used to give me 23 mpg before the BCM was changed)

    I had new brake pads and tires put in January 2008, the new dealer tells me that the steering wheel vibrates as something is wrong with the brakes.

    He also tells me that I need a new filter which will cost me $105.

    Then the same guy who said my car was fine before says I may have engine problems.

    So the total keeps going up and up and up. Inspite of always taking the car to a Nissan dealership for everything from oil changes to tire changes.

    I have lost faith in dealers services and feel like I am taken for a ride here.

    How can a car performing so well get all these problems in less than 2 weeks?Nissan 2004 quest car problems .. according to dealer?Slow down here! BCM replacement needs tire pressure transmitters to be reintroduced Nissan should admit it and do that free. Body Control Module will not change the fuel economy. How perfect can a five model year old van be? As weather turns cold gas mileage gets less. More warm up time longer idling and thermostat issues tend to show up as winter draws near. Quest Vans are heavy and brake rotors tend to warp from heavy braking causing (steering wheel Judder) is technically correct term for shimmy while braking. Resurfacing the rotors or replacing the rotors as necessary. OK was that the in cabin air filter they wanted to change for 105? Clean breathable air for you and your children worth that? You should see the old dirty cabin air filters I remove. Either you maintain the van trust Nissan and its 12 month warranty on any repairs or take it to IFFY LUBE center and have a part time lube boy change the above items. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of good independent technicians. But how many times to they see each repair? I fix your van's condition(s) almost weekly at a North Central Texas Nissan dealership. Get a second opinion if you want. Old cars did not allergen air filters it is a wonder we survived! I grew up with steel dash boards no seat belts. Kids knew to look foward and brace them selfs when mom was stopping.

    What car should I get as my first one?

    I want a car/truck/suv that has manual transmission and 5 speed...I would want a car that looks nice blacked out though (tinted windows, smoked headlights and taillights)...Oh and by car, I mean any vehicle. (: Anyway I don't want it to have terrible mileage, so preferably a 6 cyl. one, but I could settle for 4 or 8. (: I just want a pretty sweet looking vehicle that most likely wouldn't be too expensive if bought used...or if anyone knows of one being sold, that would be great too, even if it's out of state. I've been looking up cars on Mautofied so I'm just hoping someone will suggest a car I haven't thought of looking up yet, or don't even know about. I'm down for anything except muscle cars, or huge *** trucks...just because muscle cars aren't cheap unless there's a lot of work to be done, and I know some stuff about cars like coilovers, cold air intakes, how to change a tire %26amp; oil, and that there's no such thing as blinker fluid haha...but I'm way to limited in my car knowledge to know how to repair a beast like a muscle car. (:

    But any suggestions I'll be glad to read.What car should I get as my first one?Yeah, price range plz.

    Are you a baller or just getting by?

    I'd recommend a Mitsubishi eclipse for you.

    But heres some cars you can look at to

    Honda civic

    Honda accord

    Mitsubishi Galant

    Mitsubishi 3000GT

    Toyota Celica

    Chevy Camaro

    Pontiac Firebird (or Trans Am)

    Mazda Miata

    Mazda Rx7

    Mazda Rx8

    Idk, just look for cars and find the style you like.

    But style isn't everything, think about Performance and think about how much it'll cost in the long run.

    Because parts for cars like BMW's you won't find in most stores (Because they're not made in America or not assembled here).

    So you'll most likely have to import the parts. And that gets pretty pricey

    So stay away from those awesome euro cars if you're not a baller (ie BMW, SAAB)

    Mm, definitely research before you buy.

    And take somebody that knows something about cars with you to check and inspect cars that you may want to buy (maybe like your dad or someone)

    Let me know how it goes!

    And if you need my advice on any car (like it's performance, is it reliable, etc.) just email me.

    Happy hunting :)What car should I get as my first one?Price range?What car should I get as my first one?get a car that is already broken in. you do not want some bran new nice ride that if you reck you will be heart broken cuz first cars are a learning experience. you want something nice yet not too nice.

    My chevy cavilear was AWESOME for my first car. it was a four cyl tho. My nissan maxima was my second car and i LOVED it too. nissans run forEVER! my mazda protege is great too!!! the only 6 cly i have ever owned was a 86 pontac firebird and it was def not my favorite. but five speed is GREAT! i choose five speed over anything.What car should I get as my first one?a first car is always a expense with a first car you will most likely never get everything you want for my first car im getting a 1979 ford f-250 with is a huge *** truckWhat car should I get as my first one?totally depends on what your willing to spend on it. repost the question with your price range :DWhat car should I get as my first one?No actual suggestions but it is good you drive stick and also know your limitations as a mechanic, but I think you ought to stay away from the out-of-state buying market. That's good for fantasizing but it is a bad way to get a car. Since you are open minded, there should be lots of possibilites where you are. Remember, somewhere else is just someone else's home base.

    Be careful. Prices of used cars right now are hugely inflated.
  • dc motor via rheostat
  • client time
  • How can i get a phone number if its x directory?

    got name and address but cant get phone number.i bought a car from a garage and need to change the tyres and the locking wheel nut key aint in the car.all i want to know was it in the car when he sold it or if he can tell me where to he put it.How can i get a phone number if its x directory?You can't get ex-directory numbers - that's the whole point of the exercise ! ! !How can i get a phone number if its x directory?It would be quite difficult to ontain x directory number unless th eowner of the phone gave the number out.

    If you have a freind at BT they may be able to help.

    If you purchased the car from a garage and you know the name and address why dont you go round there???

    if they are a garage they should be in yellow pages

    Never heard of a garage hiding there numberHow can i get a phone number if its x directory?Have you actually checked? A lot of people (us included)don't have their numbers in the directory, but they're available from Directory Enquiries. If it is fully XD, I'd suggest just writing to the previous owner.

    PS I assume you've asked the garage what they're going to do about it? They should have checked that this was included!How can i get a phone number if its x directory?If you take off the chrome cover of one of the nuts you will find a number or letter inscribed on it. You may need a torch or magnifying glass to see it. Write down the number and go to a main dealer of the make of your car and they will be able to supply the key.

    How do i solve this math equation and awser this science question?

    please tell me the steps and answer to it

    A hotel rents a double-occupancy room for $20 more than a single-occupance room. One night the hotel made $3,115 renting rooms, the rented out 15 double-occupancy rooms and 26 single-occupancy rooms. How much does it cost to rent a double-occupany room? How much for single-occupany rooms?

    The scince question is this we are learning about levers:

    on my way home from schools i got a flat tire. I was about to put on the spare tire when i remembered i took the jack out to make room for mountain bikes. at this time my friend unexpectedly peddled up and asked if i need help. i explained that i didn't have a jack and therefore i couldn't life the car to put the spare on. just as i was about to call AAA, my friend pointed out some long tree branches along the side of the road. %26quot;Would those branches make a lever with enough force to life the car?%26quot; he askes. I said, %26quot;they look strong enough but i'm not sure if they're long enough.%26quot;....

    If my car weighs 1545kg, the resistance arm is 40cm, and the effort arm is 5 meters, would the student be able to life the car while i change my tire? explain why or why not. back you answer up with calculations.

    PLEASE help me with these 2 questions i am really confused by them.


    tomHow do i solve this math equation and awser this science question?Well, post your attempt at answering them and I can help explain the confusing parts for you.How do i solve this math equation and awser this science question?double is 20 more than single

    so if single=x

    then double=x+20

    so then you can use those equations and the fact that you know 15 doubles and 26 singles is 3115




    68.66=x which is the cost of a single

    68.66+20=88.66 is then the cost of a double

    not sure about the second question..... haven't taken a physics class in a while....How do i solve this math equation and awser this science question?Single occupancy = x $

    Double occupancy = (x +20) $

    15 ( x + 20) + 26x = 3115

    15x + 300 + 26x = 3115

    41x = 3115 - 300 = 2815

    x = 2815/41 = 68.66 $

    Single occupancy = 68.66 $

    Double occupancy = 88.66$

    Check your answer.

    Help with buying a car?

    I am looking into the Audi A4. Since it is a foreign car and not japanese I am not familiar with maintenance costs. I keep hearing that it is very expensive to maintain and take care of. Exactly how expensive? can anyone share their experiences with this car when dealing with maintenance like oil change, rotation of tires, tune ups, or any other problems etc...? What would you say about your overall experience?Help with buying a car?Audi, Mercedes and BMW have astronomical maintenance costs and often require major service every 30k miles. Audi and BMW have a nice service feature however for the first 4 years 50k miles which coves all maintenance. However, after that it is up to you and these are not reliable cars by any measure. Expect to pay double for maintaining an Audi verses a Lexus or Cadillac.

    That should be included in your decision as depreciation and maintainece costs are overlooked and your 5 year ownership costs can be double that of other makes.Help with buying a car?Well it depends where do u live. Euro is very highly rated these days, so all European products are becoming more expensive...Help with buying a car?All the people here have pretty much said it all concerning the car and maintenance. My son owns a used A4 Quattro turbo, let me give you a few examples of the cost of the car's upkeeps.

    Below are what the dealer wanted to charge him.

    $1100 for brakes service, replace pads and rotors.

    $400 for drivebelts and wiper blades.

    $600 for replacing one sidewindow,($300 for labour,$300

    for part)

    $200 for aftermarket battery (60 months),imagine the cost of genuine part!

    $500 for replacing cracked windshield.

    after seeing these maintenance bills, I ended up fixing the car for him. He bought the parts and I fixed his GERMAN car.

    yesterday, i replaced valve cover gasket, spark plugs, and spark plugs coil igniters for him. it costs hime $200 for parts. Audi dealer wanted $450. hope this would give you some ideas about GERMAN cars. Buy brand new and get rid of it as soon as problems arise.Help with buying a car?They are expensive to maintain but the cars are great and well worth the cost for someone looking for safety driving dynamics and build quality over cost to own. an oil change can easily cost $100, tire rotation would not cost any more than any other car as you just have to move the tires around. They require premium fuel for most models If not all (i think it is all, but not positive). if you have Quattro, when you replace your tires you MUST replace all four not just 2. the majority of repairs do not start until the cars have 60-75K miles on them at which point they will need timing belt done and new water pump if its a turbo model the turbos usually need to be replaced by 100K and suspension usually needs to be done before 150K miles. tune ups are not outrageous but more pricey than a ford or GM. Brakes are not bad if you have them done by an independent mechanic but are costly if done by dealership.

    I have owned a few Audi's and they have all been good cars i owned a Toyota Camry and it was not that much cheaper to own than the A6 that i have now but i do not use the dealership for maintenance i use an independent European mechanic. i would highly recommend an Audi to someone who is looking for driving dynamics and build quality and is willing to spend the money for it but if you just want a car to go to work in these may cost you more than you want to pay for upkeep.Help with buying a car?if it is new get a warranty. if it is not new and your getting a loan Thur the bank the bank will set up a warranty for the car.

    How can i get the lock nut off my rims without the lock key?

    I bought a car and I cant get the locknut off to change the tire. The rims are 20 in forte's and the nuts are from an auto part store like pep boys or auto zone.How can i get the lock nut off my rims without the lock key?call up a custom tire and wheel shop in the area. they usually remove wheel nuts for a price. Sometimes they want to see the title to verify ownershipHow can i get the lock nut off my rims without the lock key?You might be able to find the key from the manufacture. If not you may just have to bust the bolt and replace it, or maybe you can grind the top of the bolt off. I really don't know, I have never lost my locknut key.How can i get the lock nut off my rims without the lock key?what you do is get a deep well socket a little bit smaller than you lock nut take a hammer and bang it on to the lock until its flush wench or breaker bar with a long pipe over top of the breaker bar/socket wrench for leverage and then twist it to the left and it should come off thats how ive done it on many occasions i use to work for aaa roadside assistanceHow can i get the lock nut off my rims without the lock key?If you can't get a replacement lock key, you're only option is a pipe wrench.How can i get the lock nut off my rims without the lock key?I'm sure you have already checked, but double check the glove box, center console, or the spare tire area for the %26quot;key%26quot;. If not, it all really depends on how much room you have between the lock and the wheel. For stock wheels (more room between the lock and wheel), most of the time you can hammer on a socket and then use a breaker bar to take it off. If that doesn't work, you could always try the wheel lock kits sold by the tool trucks like somebody else suggested. I am guessing that you will have a hard time getting the correct key from the parts store. Good luck.How can i get the lock nut off my rims without the lock key?they make sockets with reverse threads that will bite into the outsides of the nuts. you simply push in and turn counter clock-wise to remove, preferably with a long handled 1/2%26quot; ratchet. i do not know if your local part store carries these. they are available from tool companies like snap-on, mac, matco, etc. you might want to check Napa auto parts, they may have them.How can i get the lock nut off my rims without the lock key?first go back to the auto parts store and see if they can help you you may have to buy it but that's the way it goes. the only other way is carefully with an air chisel, or freeze the nuts (we used to use a can or two of freon that air conditioners use, and then smack tie frozen nuts with a hammer, check with les scwab, they may have some good ideas. good luck

    How do you learn to work on cars?

    I may take up something in like working on cars. So I was wondering what would be the best route for me to go on, I don't know much Ive changed the oil a few times, changed tires, etc...but I want to know how to truly work on a car. I am 17 ill be 18 in June. Just wondering about it.How do you learn to work on cars?To learn how to work on cars, take an automotive class or something. Use wikipedia to get a basic understanding on the way car engines, etc. work.

    To %26quot;truly work on a car%26quot;, you must start by actually working on a car...How do you learn to work on cars?itt-tech Has a Thing for itHow do you learn to work on cars?Start buying tools and start working of stuff which you think car do . If you don't know can always ask for help.

    Do not touch any electrical stuff. Go work in a garage shop as a helper.
  • hair highlights
  • shampoo dry thin hair
  • I need your opinion.?

    My neighbor's car broke down yesterday and she didn't know how to use jumper cables. Growing up my dad made me learn how to jump off a car, how to change a tire, and how to check my oil before I could get my license. I think they should make you do these things before they give you your license. Make it a requirement of the state driving test. What is your opinion?I need your opinion.?I would have to disagree with you on this one.

    As long as you know the rules of the road its enough

    the other things are just plain simple responsibilities..

    Its like saying... o.k we are not selling you a condom until

    you learn how to make love or s e x for that matter.

    lolI need your opinion.?my opinion? you r soooo hotI need your opinion.? fact i think at least one year of auto shop should be required for new driversI need your opinion.?I agree 100%I need your opinion.?I think people should be required to know the basic stuffabout cars before being allowed to get a license. Every driver should be able to jump start their car, change a tire and check all the fluids in a car. A flat tire can happen to anyone, any place so people be prepare to change a tire if the need to. So many pople anymore are clueless when it comes to taking care of themselves in an emergency.I need your opinion.?Yes, you are 100% correct.

    I have two children, a son and daughter, and they both learned how to do the basics like you say. In addition they both learned how to drive a stick shift car.I need your opinion.?I think it a great idea to have all drivers know essential car care before issuing a license. If this was passed as a state law then other judgment items would come into play and DMV cost would rise. For example making everyone have health ins, a drug test and proof of employment before issuing a license.I need your opinion.?Sounds like a good idea, but how are you going to enforce the requirement? And... What about the millions of drivers that already have a license but without this training?I need your opinion.?I think that's a really good idea ...I need your opinion.?While it sounds good on the surface and I think it would be a good idea for people to have basic car knowledge, I would not make it a requirement. Some cars have batteries which are not easily accessable and some folks, such as those who are handicapped, are not able to change a flat tire even though they may have the knowledge. One of the things which sets America apart from many other countries is our freedom, and that includes the freedom not to know things or particiapte in certain activities. Do I think people who are capable should know the things you mentioned? Yes. Should it be mandated as a requirement for getting a driver's license? In my opinion, no.

    Should I change both tires or is one ok?

    I have a 2007 Focus with about 20k on it. A couple months ago I picked a screw up in my front driver's side tire. I got it patched and now it's losing air again. I know I need to replace it, but I have a few questions. First, how much will a tire cost (approx) for that car? Second, do I really need to replace both of the front tires, or can I just change the damaged one? I think I need an alignment too but I'm not sure what those run. The car pulls somewhat, but I'm not sure if that's just because of the low tire. Any advice is appreciated, I don't wanna get screwed when I take it in.Should I change both tires or is one ok?Tire prices vary, but you can replace just one if you want. The thing to remember is, the two tires on the drive wheels (in your case the front) should have the same amount of wear, so move the rear tires to the front.

    If you run a worn tire with a new one on the front, there will be a small difference in diameter, which will cause the axles to spin at a different speed. This will cause unnecessary wear on the internal planetary gears over time.Should I change both tires or is one ok?I'd get the tire checked again- if it can still be repaired go for it.

    That being said I'd replace two to keep it even, then get tires rotated and balanced and aligned.

    You should get tires rotated every 6 months (with your oil change) and alignment done I'd say yearly. I do this with my car- I do all the maintenance that came with the manual and in three years have not had ONE problem with my car.Should I change both tires or is one ok?With just 20k on the car you can just have one tire replaced. Probably around 100 for the tire mounted and balanced. I would take the tire back to the place that patched it mabey just the patch is leaking. If you have a low tire on the front the car will pull to the side that the tire is low.Should I change both tires or is one ok?If the tire in question still has a good tread depth to it, you shouldn't bother replacing it. If you want, you could rotate the back tires to the front and increase the wear time on the tires.

    The cost of new tire varies but plan on $80-$100 each.

    Properly inflate the tire and see if the pulling goes away.Should I change both tires or is one ok?If you just put one tire on put it on the back then when you have the money you can replace the other side before you rotate them to the front. You should really replace them both at the same time but it will work as long as its on the back.Should I change both tires or is one ok?Car tires on average last about 50k miles. I think you should buy 1 used tire. But buy the exact same tire you already have, make sure it has about the same amount of treading. A used tire would cost 30 to 40 bucks.Should I change both tires or is one ok?if the other tire is still good then all you need to do is change the bad 1. price wise? i guess it depends on where you get it at. some places are cheaper then others. i get my tires at wal-mart and i pay around 40 dollars each for them.Should I change both tires or is one ok?only change the damaged one,.a brand new tyre could cost about,hmmm 60-70 euro,you could pick one up cheaper than that if you sure the car is only pulling because of the low pressure in the tyre..Should I change both tires or is one ok?replace both the tire tread has to match or you will feel like your driving a tractor

 I change both tires or is one ok?It pull because of the low tire, however, you should replace two tires, the rear ones and put the rear ones on front.Should I change both tires or is one ok?it's always good to replace both side, but since you only put 20k on the car, then change only one side, becuz a tire life span is about 50,000k, so your other 3 tires should be ok...Should I change both tires or is one ok?You don't need to replace both. A cheap new tire will cost about 60-80 dollars with installation.Should I change both tires or is one ok?One is fine but please don't buy a used tire..........Should I change both tires or is one ok?you should need to change all tires because they all have the same mileagee on them!!!!!!!!!!!!Should I change both tires or is one ok?It depends on the tire size, my 17' ones were $35 each USED.

    As an independent contractor, what can I use as a deduction come taxes next year?

    Could I deduct my car payment? Can I deduct any services to my car, such as oil changes or new tires? I know I can definitely deduct the gas/mileage I use while on the job. Do I need to keep track of how many miles I drive each day for my job? Also, should I keep my receipts for gas? Can I deduct the food I buy while on the job? Please, if any of you are aware of even the smallest things that I should be keeping receipts for, please let me know. I am 21 years old, unmarried, and without children. I am working as an independent contractor, just started a few days ago. I will make about $12500 for the next 6 months remaining in 2006. How much should I set aside to pay taxes next year? I will be doing a lot of driving for the job, so do the deductions that come along with driving for the job make a huge difference? I am worried that I will be stuck with a rather large payment next year and just want to be adequately prepared. Thanks in advance for your help.As an independent contractor, what can I use as a deduction come taxes next year?Here's a start...

    YES... keep track of every mile and wheter it was personal or business. Basically, you can deduct the percentage that is business for all of the maintenance things. Yes keep receipts.

    I'm guessing you are single, which means there is a standard deduction of $5000 available. You probably will use the standard rather than the itemized deductions I described above. Do you go to school? Have kids? These create more deductions.

    For example: You earn $12500

    Subtract $5000 standard deduction

    Subtract $3200 personal deduction (everyone gets one)

    Approx. Taxable Income: $4300 (the amount you would pay taxes on)

    So... 10% tax bracket... you would be liable for $430 for taxes.

    Note: I am not a CPA, contact your tax professional! Good luck.As an independent contractor, what can I use as a deduction come taxes next year?Always save your receipts for deductions %26amp; proof of Business activities, review IRS schedule C-EZ %26amp; C. The catergories will give you some idea where your expenses fall into. Kepp track of vehicle mileage %26amp; expenses, use a good wriiten log %26amp; dates of service.

    I'm conservative, I would save 20% (expenses permitting) for taxes. (10% minimum). If you can get your employer to withold for federal, state %26amp; local taxes if needed, do it. I have friends I give this info to, %26amp; when they don't do it, they get the big tax bill!! (especially on higher incomes) Just protect yourself %26amp; in the long run you shouldn't have problems. Get last years tax software (any of the big names) %26amp; compute your own last year taxes %26amp; then do some what if's. Business income (schedule C or C-Ez) Mileage, expenses etc. good Luck.As an independent contractor, what can I use as a deduction come taxes next year?Check IRS publications. Generally, any ordinary and reasonable expense required to produce income in a business intended for profit. Includes supplies, transportation, small equipment, etc.As an independent contractor, what can I use as a deduction come taxes next year?Start by looking at Publication 334 which you can get off of the IRS website.As an independent contractor, what can I use as a deduction come taxes next year?The rules for deducting your car can be complicated. First you must decide whether you will use the standard mileage rate or the actual expense method. I would suggest the mileage rate since it is less burdensome for recordkeeping. The rate is 48.5 cents a mile for 9/1/05-12/31/05 and 40.5 for 1/1/05-8/31/05. Keep a log of you business use of the car. If you are commuting to an office (and do not maintain a home office) then none of the car expenses are deductible. If you use actual method, you still must keep a mileage log and keep ALL receipts regarding your car (gas,repairs,insurance etc). You will deduct the % of business use to total use. If your auto qualifies as a business asset (not %26quot;commuting%26quot;) then the interest portion of your car payment is deductible, not the principal.

    The food you buy is not deductible unless you are on out-of-town travel and then only at 50%. Other expenses would be supplies (office and computer), cell phone (business use only), postage, licenses (business lic is req'd in most areas), professional fees, bank fees (set up a separate checking account used only for business - - but don't tell the bank its for business since usually higher fees and IRS doesn't care how set up), hotel/airfare/tips.

    As for receipts, I tell my clients that if you are in doubt of whether to keep one, then keep it...better safe than sorry.

    How do you jack up a Honda Civic 2002 to work underneath?

    I've had this same problem with all three of my cars, an 86 Accord, 2000 Civic and 2002 Civic HB. There are four jack points behind the front wheels and in front of the rear wheels for changing tires, but if you want to get under there you have to put the car on jack stands. So where do they go once you have one side up since I'm limited to the four points? I've been putting it on the little hook under there, beneath the engine, but that's just one point. Or maybe there's two hooks? My car's too low to drive up onto ramps.How do you jack up a Honda Civic 2002 to work underneath?My Honda CRV has the four points you talk about plus one point at back and one point at front that I can use a trolley floor jack and it will lift the front or back up balanced. The back one can sometimes be a way in and you can only get at it when you get down on hands and knees but front is usually under the bottom of rad or just ahead or behind it. My Nissan also had this as does my friend's Mazda so yours should as well. Check owner's manual for these points. I had a car that was too low as well for ramps , what I did was drive it up onto some wide wooden planks to raise it and then I could slide the ramps up to it without hitting the spoiler. good luck.How do you jack up a Honda Civic 2002 to work underneath?I'm talking about two planks of 2%26quot;x10%26quot; or 2%26quot;X12%26quot; pieces about 15%26quot;-18%26quot; long, Home Depot will cut these down to this length for you.

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    How do you jack up a Honda Civic 2002 to work underneath?i agree with wheeler

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    How can i make my rc drift?

    Hi want to start getting into rc drift cars and i was just wondering if i could change the tyres on a normal rc car to make it drift?How can i make my rc drift?change the tiers or sand it smooth.How can i make my rc drift?everything u need to know can i make my rc drift?Drifting happens mostly because of sudden braking. Most RC cars don't really have decent brakes so you would have to do a lot of modification...probably not worth it.How can i make my rc drift?well you build a raft them put the rc on it, lol no but like stated take the tread off then get a smooth surface and rub some fine powder on it or something., or slick like finish or something.How can i make my rc drift?yes, but the most important thing is the set up of your suspension (stiffer) and your ride heightHow can i make my rc drift?What do you mean by drift?

    If you mean you want the car to always haf a tendency to go off to either the left or the right, then it would be with a small adjustment to balance control between the front tires on the in expensive R/C cars.

    If you have a better R/C car with a much better controller, then there would be a slide switch under the joystick for the stearing and this would allow you go correct any drift or make it incorrect if that's what you wanted.

    The downside of sanding tires is its permanent, and you have to remember that whatever you do for the car going forward is also going in reverse.

    I hope this helps.
  • ittwit
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  • Can someone show me a website that lists all the steps to changing a tire (how long it take too) and?

    jump starting a car.Can someone show me a website that lists all the steps to changing a tire (how long it take too) and?Check Shell as in the oil company, they used to have booklets at service stations just for this stuff.

    Also, AAA is famous for this type of thing.Can someone show me a website that lists all the steps to changing a tire (how long it take too) and? someone show me a website that lists all the steps to changing a tire (how long it take too) and?changing tire. bust the lug nuts loose. jack up the car. take the lug nuts completely off. take the tire off, put the new tire on. tighten lug nuts snuggly. lower the car back down off jack. tighten lug nuts back to recommend torque or just tighten til u think they r good.

    jump start a car. hook up positive to good car. hook up positive to dead car. hook up negitive to good car. hook up negative on dead car to a good ground on the engine block. start up good car. let run for a minute or so. start dead car. and let it run for a while.

    Is it bad to drive with your spare tire?

    I resently got s flat tire about five days ago and i am currently driving with my spare tire is it bad to drive with a spare. how soon should i change the tire. the reason why I havent changed the tire is because i dont get paid until next week but will this damage my car? please help.Is it bad to drive with your spare tire?You really shouldn't drive on it any longer then necessary. It won't damage your car but the spare tire (especially if it's one of those small skinny tires) is design for minimal use.Is it bad to drive with your spare tire?Driving on a spare is not recommended, however, I drove on one for several months because it took a long time to find the rim for my car. I had bent the rim when I slid out in the rain and struck the curb.

    I just got my first car and have no idea how to do even the smallest thing to it. I wanted to know if maybe...

    there was a class or something to learn how to change a tire and check the oil and stuff. I live in Montgomery, AL. If anyone lives in this area and knows where I can learn this stuff please let me know.I just got my first car and have no idea how to do even the smallest thing to it. I wanted to know if maybe...Join the club - here are some tips.

    1. The next time you get gas, ask one of the guys to check your oil and transmission fluid. Watch how they do it and ask questions as needed.

    2. Tire pressure gauges are cheap some companies give them away for free with their logo. Simply remove the black nossel cap from the tire and firmly press the head of the pressure gauge to the tire nossel until you get a reading. 35 pounds of pressure is the average for passenger vehicles. Uneven tire pressure can make the car pull to one side when driving, wear your tires faster and reduce gas milage.

    3. Go to they publish technical jargon from the same service manuals that repair shops use.

    4. Use yahoo answers for ny specific problems or questions about car care ... get your oil changed regularly and drive safe.I just got my first car and have no idea how to do even the smallest thing to it. I wanted to know if maybe...Check with the local junior college or technical schools. Alot of the offer powder puff auto courses.I just got my first car and have no idea how to do even the smallest thing to it. I wanted to know if maybe...Go to your local auto parts store, (Auto Zone etc.) and get a Banks Manual for your specific make and model of car. It explains how to do about anything. It costs about 35.00 and is worth every penny.

    Why is my car screaming?

    I have a 2006 Chevy cobalt. My check engine light is on. i just got all the filters changed, an oil change, new tires, and an allignment. Okay that aside, when i accelerate, it screams/whistles a little bit. If i turn the air off and the radio i hear a sound, like some sort of mechanized movement. Does anyone know what that could be?? and around how much it will cost to fix?? Thank you!Why is my car screaming?Really need a lot more info to even TRY to solve this one.Why is my car screaming?sound like one ofyour belts it might be the self adjusterWhy is my car screaming?You need to have the car looked at a problem like this can't be diagnosed here.

    Certified Auto Technician

    and Parts SpecialistWhy is my car screaming?maybe fan beltWhy is my car screaming?It sounds kind of like a belt. When they are worn, they behave the way you described.Why is my car screaming?Water in your exhaust? I figure if it whistles.Why is my car screaming?Check for a loose fan belt that's slipping, they can really scream sometimes.

    What will change tires from 215/45R17 to 195/65R15 do?

    I'm considering buying a new car. It comes with the 215/45R17 wheels, but the (lower equiped) have 195/65R15 (same brand, same type, same speed index 87V) - so the manufacturer is ok with the 'downchange'. I'm considering it to reduce the turning circle and reduce gas usage (even manufacturer says 'lower equiped versions' consume less - equipment adds not much weight). How will it affect the driving? Softer/harder ride? Less stability when dry, but less prone to aquaplanning? How will they handle on snow?What will change tires from 215/45R17 to 195/65R15 do?Softer ride, slightly better fuel economy since they weigh less, but you must have your speedometer and odometer corrected or it will throw them both way off. Aquaplaning depends on the tires you are using.
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  • My car slipped and my front left wheel crashed into an island?

    now the front left wheel is set back a bit, so it kinda rubs with the body a little. I changed to my spare tire for now (because it's smaller) and have an appointment momentarily... just wondering what kind of damage this is and how much it could approximately cost?My car slipped and my front left wheel crashed into an island?You most likely bent something. Could be just a tie rod or possibly and axle shaft. Worst case scenario you bent the frame. You need to get that car to a shop asap. I wouldnt recommend driving it. Not only do you risk getting into an accident if one of the bent, weakened part actually breaking, but because your front suspension is all out of alignment, you will eat up your tires in no time. If I had to guess on a cost of repair (not knowing what parts are broken) I would say between 200 and 700. Best of luck.My car slipped and my front left wheel crashed into an island?Ohh girl... I can't say the exact price... But be ready to pay a lot.. You bended the axis or however it writes... I guess it pulls a little to the left now, doesn't it?My car slipped and my front left wheel crashed into an island?try getting an alignment firstMy car slipped and my front left wheel crashed into an island?it is very likely that you bent the lower control arm , and likely some other suspension and steering components.

    you give no vehicle information so it is not possible to tell you more.

    if you spend under $300 you got away cheap

    My car slipped and my front left wheel crashed into an island?

    now the front left wheel is set back a bit, so it kinda rubs with the body a little. I changed to my spare tire for now (because it's smaller) and have an appointment momentarily... just wondering what kind of damage this is and how much it could approximately cost?My car slipped and my front left wheel crashed into an island?You most likely bent something. Could be just a tie rod or possibly and axle shaft. Worst case scenario you bent the frame. You need to get that car to a shop asap. I wouldnt recommend driving it. Not only do you risk getting into an accident if one of the bent, weakened part actually breaking, but because your front suspension is all out of alignment, you will eat up your tires in no time. If I had to guess on a cost of repair (not knowing what parts are broken) I would say between 200 and 700. Best of luck.My car slipped and my front left wheel crashed into an island?Ohh girl... I can't say the exact price... But be ready to pay a lot.. You bended the axis or however it writes... I guess it pulls a little to the left now, doesn't it?My car slipped and my front left wheel crashed into an island?try getting an alignment firstMy car slipped and my front left wheel crashed into an island?it is very likely that you bent the lower control arm , and likely some other suspension and steering components.

    you give no vehicle information so it is not possible to tell you more.

    if you spend under $300 you got away cheap

    Do you know how to care for your car?

    such as.... change a tire, check the air pressure of the tires, fill the windsheild wiper fluid, break fluid, signal fluid, check and change the oil?Do you know how to care for your car?Yes I can do all those things except for the signal fluid! You must have a British car, my car uses brake fluid! Just having fun! LOLDo you know how to care for your car?sure, but i'm too lazy. i'd rather pay someone to do it for me.Do you know how to care for your car?Nope, I don't I don't have a vehicleDo you know how to care for your car?I can do most everything on your list except change the tire and oil. However, I am always on schedule to rotate my tires at the tire store and get an oil change every 5,000 miles %26lt;%26quot;Ex%26quot; bf said this is all I need, and he's a car fanatic%26gt;

    Ooo ... I can also change the air filter myself %26lt;wink%26gt;.Do you know how to care for your car?yes, do your oil changes when recommended and change air filter when dirty, follow your maintenance schedule listed in your owners ManuelDo you know how to care for your car?yes I'm a certified mechanic,,and own a shop,,and try to keep my car,s in as good of shape as possible,,but even i ,,at times let mine go,but it is important to know something about car,s,,even if your just a driver,,because if you get out and break down,,you just might be able to get it started,,if you know a little about it,,hope this help,s.Do you know how to care for your car?sure do.but i'm not going do any of that stuff.

    How many pot smokers does it take to change a tyre?

    none cus they all keep forgetting where they left the jack and parked the carHow many pot smokers does it take to change a tyre?They don't change tires because it is only flat on the bottom.How many pot smokers does it take to change a tyre?what is a tyre?How many pot smokers does it take to change a tyre?foreHow many pot smokers does it take to change a tyre?You really have to stop now, it's not healthy what you are doing to yourself. Put the pipe down, get some sleep, you obviously only have a couple brain cells still flickering, and you need to conserve what little intellect you have left.How many pot smokers does it take to change a tyre?It takes none to change a %26quot;tyre%26quot;. It takes about 4 to change a tire. Each person takes turns doing one of the jobs in order to change one. But then they find out it's not their car.How many pot smokers does it take to change a tyre?You been smoking some too?How many pot smokers does it take to change a tyre?u must b the one smokin', cause u 4got how to spell tireHow many pot smokers does it take to change a tyre?A tyre is the rubber thing on a car. Tire is to become least in Australia....How many pot smokers does it take to change a tyre?tyre is a town in isreal. how long is a chinaman's name.

    how many politicians does it take// - none , that is what illegal alien maids are for..How many pot smokers does it take to change a tyre?I can tell you are a Jack Daniels man.

    For the car nuts out there: hear me out...?

    I used to be the kind of guy that would take his car to get the oil changed, paid to have someone hook up a car stereo, etc. Pretty much helpless. After realizing I didn't want to be that kind of guy anymore, I started doing research, and got my hands some experience. Starting small with changing oil, my tires and other things of less notable mention.

    What a really want to do is build my own car. Not just any car, but MY car. To drive down the highway at 150 mph, knowing it is this fast because of your hands and time. Knowing that every piece of this car works in perfect unison because of your dedication.

    It is almost like the car is yourself, changed from a heap of junk into a machine that tears off highway concrete behind the wheels. That is what I want to do. The car I would like to transform would be a 1997 Toyota Supra.

    I have a 2JZGTE engine with 30,000 miles on it that I got from Japan. However, I do not have the body. I was looking for salvaged Supras and I came across a site known as

    They have some Supras that are in pretty good condition, considering they are salvaged. The frames aren't bent, and that is what I need: a good frame to start. I have been told by some of my friends that I have no idea what I am getting myself into, which I don't. However, if I don't get into it, I will never know what it was I could have gotten into.

    To undergo despair is to refuse to have any kind of experience. They told me that if I am serious enough, they would help me build it. One has been raised around cars his whole life. He has a degree in auto mechanics. The other is very life experienced in general. So, I feel that this will be an awesome project. No, I am not loaded with cash, but I do understand how long this project could endure.

    So, is a good site to look? What are some other good sites for salvaged Supras? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.For the car nuts out there: hear me out...?Supra?

    Oh well, not everyone loves the classic muscle cars.


    I like the older ones. 1985.

    Or this one. the car nuts out there: hear me out...?check the better business bureau, you sound inspired keep goingFor the car nuts out there: hear me out...?idk alot of readingFor the car nuts out there: hear me out...?very few people want to go through the trouble and money, after you are done, some thug will steal it for parts. say bye bye
  • its wrong that
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  • How do you lift a car?

    in not talking about lifting it to change a tire

    i mean like how you can drop or lower a car

    how do you make it higher

    is it hard to do or does it take long .How do you lift a car?Body lift is simple blocks added and can run from $3-500 suspension lift is fabricating your entire suspension and adding parts for steeing that runs from $1000-1500. Usually requires someone knowlegeable in suspension and steeringHow do you lift a car?it all depends on your suspension type, torsion bars are just wound down springs need to be cut or replaced with lower ones, with the right tools and a little mechanical aptitude its a relatively simple processHow do you lift a car?One does not 'lower' or 'drop' a car. It rides at the height the manufacturer made it to ride.

    It is not something that you should try to do. Any modifications you do to a cars suspension will damage the car. Not only does it make the car dangerous, but it would take away all it's resale value.

    If you have a car with modified suspension you should tell your insurance company, and pay the increased premium. Otherwise they will not cover you or the car in an accident if they can show your modification caused the accident or caused it to be worse.

    It is a really stupid thing to do.

    How do you Reset the oil replacement reminder in your car?

    I have 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser...and that annoying light is on do you Reset the oil replacement reminder ?

    According to Toyota web site, there are only two things that need to be done. (Besides the visual inspections)

    I have done the oil change and rotated the tires already...But, what about the reminder light?

    Is there a mechanic out there, who can help me?How do you Reset the oil replacement reminder in your car?Maintenance Reminder Light. The following procedure

    should be used to reset the light when the oil has been changed.

    1. Turn the ignition switch to the “ON” position.

    2. Set the Odometer / Trip Display to the “ODO” mode.

    3. Turn the ignition switch to the “OFF” position.

    4. Depress and hold the Trip Meter “RESET” button while turning the ignition switch to the “ON” position.

    5. Release the Trip Meter “RESET” button.

    6. Turn the ignition to the “OFF” position.

    7. Turn the ignition to the “ON” position, and confirm that the Service Maintenance Reminder Light goes out.How do you Reset the oil replacement reminder in your car?You don't need a mechanic, just read your owner's manual.How do you Reset the oil replacement reminder in your car?It's in your owners manual. I don't know the specific procedure on your car, but, it will tell you in your owners manual.How do you Reset the oil replacement reminder in your car?there should be a button on the gauges to reset that.

    Little white spot on my tire, cannot wash or rub away...what is it?

    little white spot all over on my tire, cannot wash or rub away...what is it??? i bought this car from owner and found out the firestone tire has alot of white spot on the car and i think it doesnt have any bad effect to driving but affect the appearance

    how to remove ? (except change a new tire)Little white spot on my tire, cannot wash or rub away...what is it?Tires have whitewalls that are covered in black. So when white lettering is showing it really means it isn't covered in black so the white letters show through. Normally the white shows through because the tires are rubbed against the curb rubbing off the black.

    My car overheats randomly. What's wrong with it and how can I fix it?

    I know zilch about cars except the basics - replacing fluids, changing a tire, etc. Here's my problem: a few months ago my car started randomly overheating. I checked the coolant, and there was plenty in there, but just in case, I added more. There were no leaks either. So the car would overheat, and then randomly cool off again. One friend checked it while it was overheating and he was pouring more coolant in there and the radiator seemed to be drinking it up in spurts. He told me he knew a bit about cars and the radiator was clogged and needed flushing, and to use plain water for the time being. That's what I did.

    So, a couple of weeks ago my car begins to overheat permanently - if I drive it for more than a mile or so, it's in the red and won't go down. The other day it got so hot it actually turned off at an intersection after a series of clanking noises. So now my other car person friend says he doesn't think it's a clogging thing, and it must be something about a gasket.

    My two-part question is: A) what's wrong with my car and B) how can I fix it myself? Going to a mechanic is out of the question as it'll cost more than the old clunker is worth. I have a bottle of Radiator Flush and a bottle of fresh new coolant. Please help. Thanks!My car overheats randomly. What's wrong with it and how can I fix it?Have you checked the oil recently? If the oil looks milky, it could possibly be a bad head gasket,

    and the coolant will leak in here, and mix with the oil.My car overheats randomly. What's wrong with it and how can I fix it?you may have already fried the engine/thin wall casting doesnt put up with constant over heat/replace w/pump and t/stat and try it againMy car overheats randomly. What's wrong with it and how can I fix it?You never put just water in the radiator

    and the drinking of coolant in %26quot;spurts%26quot; is NORMAL

    I suspect you have a fan problem. that would cause the car to run fine on the highway with air cooling, but around town it could overheat-- thus the intermittent overheatMy car overheats randomly. What's wrong with it and how can I fix it?Are you seeing any external leaks when the car is parked? Have you taken the car in at all and had the cooling system pressure tested?

    The cooling system is a closed system so fluid should not disappear under normal circumstances. If you had to add fluid, that suggests a leak somewhere. If there isn't an external leak, it could still be leaking internally. By that I mean the coolant could be either mixing with the engine oil within the engine and/or it is being burned inside 1 or more of the cylinders (usually a sign of a bad head gasket).

    Take the car to a trusted shop or dealer. Fixing a coolant leak is a lot cheaper than replacing an engine (which may very well happen if you continue to drive while it is overheating).My car overheats randomly. What's wrong with it and how can I fix it?It's probably a sticky thermostat, but it could be a lot of other things too. Take it to a mechanic, you gotta do it.My car overheats randomly. What's wrong with it and how can I fix it?ok usually i fix tanks - but an engine is an engine

    from what you describe first thing i would check if the thermostat of the cooling is stuck.

    first some information:

    Your car's thermostat allows coolant to circulate when the engine is warmed up and should be closed when the engine is cold so that the car can warm up faster. It's a fairly inexpensive part that's replaced easily, but when it fails, your car can overheat, causing costly engine damage.

    so her is how to check it:

    1.Warm up the car but don't let it overheat--don't let the temperature gauge go into the red.

    2. Turn off the engine

    3. Open the hood

    4. Find the upper radiator hose. It's black, is made of rubber and is about 2 inches in diameter, with metal clamps on either end. The upper hose goes into the top of the radiator.

    5. Locate the lower radiator hose. It looks similar to the upper hose except that it attaches to the bottom part of the radiator

    6. Touch each hose very carefully (they can be extremely hot). If the temperature gauge is indicating that the engine is warmed up but one hose is hot and the other is cold, the thermostat is probably stuck closed, and the coolant isn't circulating through the radiator

    7. Have the thermostat replaced if this is the case - around 20 $

    hope it solves your proplem :-)My car overheats randomly. What's wrong with it and how can I fix it?first of all you didn't say what kind fo car or year. that makes a lot of difference it could be the electric fan or fan Sensor, the thermostat, ahead or head gasket, radiator or ever the water pump. you should never run just water in your motor. antifreeze and water mix of 50/50 should always be run.My car overheats randomly. What's wrong with it and how can I fix it?Sounds a lot like a head gasket-warped or cracked cylinder headMy car overheats randomly. What's wrong with it and how can I fix it?yes i agree with the last guy i think its your head gasket , check it first instead of wasting money fixing other things and when you get confirmation youll need a new engine , in my expirience any one who has ever tried a head gasket replacement was wasting their time and ended up needing a new engine anywayMy car overheats randomly. What's wrong with it and how can I fix it?My bet would be either your thermostat is sticking or your radiator fan isn't always spinning as fast as it can be.

    How can I prepare my car for the smog check?

    Are there any little cheap and easy things I can do to my car to increase its odds of passing its smog check? I think it would be in my best interest to change the oil, adjust the tire pressure and re time the ignition. Is there anything else you can think of?

    Also it has a power steering fluid leak, should I repair this or replace the high pressure hose before going for the smog check?How can I prepare my car for the smog check?do the oil change and tune it up if it hasn't been done in a while. also change the fuel filter if it hasn't been done and don't forget the air filter. replace that hose also not for the test but to be safe. the main thing is if the service engine is on they wont let you even test so get that fixed. if it is on some parts stores will scan it and tell you what the problem is, and you can fix it and then get it tested. other than that your good to go
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  • What would be the best way how to learn about how cars/motorcycles work and how to fix them?

    I have no previous experience but it is a subject that seems to interest me. I would like to one day be able to possibly build or repair a car or motorcycle. How could I go about doing this starting with working on changing tires, oil changes, and moving on from there?What would be the best way how to learn about how cars/motorcycles work and how to fix them?If you're in high school or will be going there, take auto shop as your elective course. Then, get a job at a tune up or oil change place. You'll learn a lot about different types of cars and how they work. Eventually, you can go to a vocational school or even take on-line courses to learn more about it. You can also buy your own tools and start working on things like lawn mowers and generators at first, and work your way up to cars and motorcycles.What would be the best way how to learn about how cars/motorcycles work and how to fix them?start out with a good vocational school. some high schools have auto shop. give that a try. also go down to some guy who works on cars and motorcycles. ask them if you can help them out. handing wrenches cleaning up ect ect. for some basic training.What would be the best way how to learn about how cars/motorcycles work and how to fix them?By being helpful to those people who have the knowledge you seek.

    Read up on the subject. Get any kind of practical experience you can, starting out with the basics like a discarded lawnmower.