I may take up something in like working on cars. So I was wondering what would be the best route for me to go on, I don't know much Ive changed the oil a few times, changed tires, etc...but I want to know how to truly work on a car. I am 17 ill be 18 in June. Just wondering about
it.How do you learn to work on cars?To learn how to work on cars, take an automotive class or something. Use wikipedia to get a basic understanding on the way car engines, etc. work.
To %26quot;truly work on a car%26quot;, you must start by actually working on a car...How do you learn to work on cars?itt-tech Has a Thing for itHow do you learn to work on cars?Start buying tools and start working of stuff which you think car do . If you don't know can always ask for help.
Do not touch any electrical stuff. Go work in a garage shop as a helper.
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