If I'm doing something and I look up he will be looking at me and then he smiles and then holds my gaze or looks away. Or if he says something to someone else which is funny he looks at me as if to see that I'm listening and then he looks away. I will make a noise to show I found it funny and then he wil look at me and smile and hold my gaze.
Or if he's on the phone to a friend he will look at me as if to check that I'm listening and then smile at me if I look at him...and then he like kinda hesitates as if he's forgotten what he was saying...or he will like talk to me as he's talking to his friend, like his friend was talking about changing car wheels and he said aha girls can't change tyres and then looked at me and smiled and I was like ahem, yes they can..and then he was like to his friend oh sorry, apparently they can! and then he like carries on talking to me while on the phone to his friend.
We have never talked about other girls/guys..but we have literally talked about everything else!
He did something a but stupid and I was like aha you muppet, and he was like ah that's rude (joking) your going to get it from me today..and then laughed... And he will compliment me on things I do..and we have like inside jokes and stuff like that..
but I'm not sure if its just because I'm younger that he acts like this. I'm naturally quite flirty and a laughy type of person and confident so I'm not sure if he just says the things beccause he knows I can take a joke...but then like when he says somethings he goes really serious... :s
help!Does he actually like me or is he just playing?Interesting. I would like to know your age and his to give an accurate and fair answer. Ages would make a world of difference.Does he actually like me or is he just playing?Wait how old are YOU exactly...like high school student / college or what..
cuz if its a 10year diff he might just think of u as a lil sis...
considering if he was in uni or college and u were in hs..
maybe he has feelings fo ryou...but he's uncomfortable b/c of hte age diff...but then again..if that was the case he might try to pull away from you cuz he'd be uncomfortable and unsure of his feelings...but i think he treats u just as friend/lil sis