so yes, raise min age to 21. and no licenses for those over sixty. and immediate suspension for cell phone use while driving. legally blind but driving? come on now, really!Should the DMV make it harder to get a drivers license?THEY WILL STILL DRIVE WITHOUT A LICENSEShould the DMV make it harder to get a drivers license?I am guessing you already think this is a good idea, but absolutely. I know it is a different economy and what not and a different culture but if I remember right in Germany they have to spend about $3000 to get a drivers license for lessons, practice and testing. Of course in the German culture driving is an activity...they don't eat or talk on cell phones while driving and when they are going slow they get in the right hand lane. Unfortunatly, the US does not have the public transportation network that Europe does and so we do need to drive more than they do. So that price tag may not work...but I think they DMV should toughen up the tests...I hate driving with some of the selfish prick drivers who need to learn some defensive driving.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Should the DMV make it harder to get a drivers license?
Should your state Department of Motor Vehicles make it harder to get a Class D (passenger car) drivers license? Should drivers have to take a longer road test that would better demonstrate their driving skill? Should drivers have to show they know how to do basic car repairs (changing a tire, checking the oil, dealing with an overheated radiator ect) before they get a license? Would our roads be safer if it was harder to get a drivers license?Should the DMV make it harder to get a drivers license?This debate has been going on for years.To many people take driving for granted.I worked for the biggest driving school in Canada, A lof teen agers. said they were taking lessons to get a licence faster. or parents would not sign for them.. I heard from a student she had to pull over and change a tire on the her country. I think medical exams need to be included also retests every 5 years.. Basic repairs Good idea people with diabilitys would objectShould the DMV make it harder to get a drivers license?I think the roads would be safer if they raised the driving age to 20, young people, teenagers, don't have the mental ability and the sense of danger to be out on the roadways, a vehicle is a lethal weapon in the hands of the wrong people, plus they think that drinking and driving is something they can handle. I think its how one handles the driving of the vehicle, not the mechanics that would make driving safer.Should the DMV make it harder to get a drivers license?I believe there should be an extensive written exam which would include questions regarding courtesy and patience while driving. I drive about 75,000 miles each year as a salesman. The closer I get to major metropolitan areas, the more dangerous it becomes. It is not just the volume of traffic, it the fact that people living in those areas are not as tolerant, patient, or simply courteous enough. The worst drivers I find on our highways are young women who seem to believe that driving is simply something they are doing while they attend to , what they believe to be more important things, such as putting on make-up, lighting a cigarette, while talking on the cell phone. All the while they are steering with their knee and changing lanes at the same time. They are by far the most dangerous on the road. Yes, there should be much more extensive testing and jail time for those convicted of driving like those above. I do not believe that we should expect drivers to know how to make basic repairs, but they need to learn how to more safely deal with emergencies created by auto failures.Should the DMV make it harder to get a drivers license?absolutely. i'm all for driving restrictions. far, far too many cars on the road anyway, and a good number of those drivers have no business behind the wheel.
so yes, raise min age to 21. and no licenses for those over sixty. and immediate suspension for cell phone use while driving. legally blind but driving? come on now, really!Should the DMV make it harder to get a drivers license?THEY WILL STILL DRIVE WITHOUT A LICENSEShould the DMV make it harder to get a drivers license?I am guessing you already think this is a good idea, but absolutely. I know it is a different economy and what not and a different culture but if I remember right in Germany they have to spend about $3000 to get a drivers license for lessons, practice and testing. Of course in the German culture driving is an activity...they don't eat or talk on cell phones while driving and when they are going slow they get in the right hand lane. Unfortunatly, the US does not have the public transportation network that Europe does and so we do need to drive more than they do. So that price tag may not work...but I think they DMV should toughen up the tests...I hate driving with some of the selfish prick drivers who need to learn some defensive driving.dermatologist advice where can you purchase petri oil
so yes, raise min age to 21. and no licenses for those over sixty. and immediate suspension for cell phone use while driving. legally blind but driving? come on now, really!Should the DMV make it harder to get a drivers license?THEY WILL STILL DRIVE WITHOUT A LICENSEShould the DMV make it harder to get a drivers license?I am guessing you already think this is a good idea, but absolutely. I know it is a different economy and what not and a different culture but if I remember right in Germany they have to spend about $3000 to get a drivers license for lessons, practice and testing. Of course in the German culture driving is an activity...they don't eat or talk on cell phones while driving and when they are going slow they get in the right hand lane. Unfortunatly, the US does not have the public transportation network that Europe does and so we do need to drive more than they do. So that price tag may not work...but I think they DMV should toughen up the tests...I hate driving with some of the selfish prick drivers who need to learn some defensive driving.