Monday, September 19, 2011

As I was changing a tire, a can of fix-a-flat burst in my face... how do I remove the smell from my hair?

It must have been a faulty bottle, as it just exploded and splattered all over the car, my suit, and got all in my face and hair. I washed my hair, but the horrible smell still remains and I've searched online everywhere and I just can't find a way to get it out.

Any suggestions?

And to anyone who doesn't know but might be able to help, Fix-A-Flat is an adhesive spray that you put on a flat tire to seal it up until you can get it changed. It kind of has a tar-ish, burnt rubbery smell, if anyone knows how to get that smell out.As I was changing a tire, a can of fix-a-flat burst in my face... how do I remove the smell from my hair?hahahahaha no you didn't