I live in a small town, have lived at the same address since 1992, and get along w
ith all of my neighbors, well all but one of them. They moved in about six and a half years ago, and when they first moved in somebody keyed their car and for whatever reason they blamed me, and took me to court and I ended up having to pay for restitution for the damages that were done to their car that I didn’t even do. I never really figured out how they were able to win that case because they had no proof, or witnesses saying I did it and really, truthfully, I didn’t touch their car. They just went into the court room and told the judge that they thought I did it, but didn’t give a reason as to why they thought I did, and I told the judge that I didn’t but somehow they still won the case. After that settled down, there weren’t any more proble
ms between us until about a month and a half ago. Every time I open the hood of my car or jack it up they call the cops on me. They claim that there is a town ordinance stating that I am not allowed to do any kind of mechanical work on my car of any kind. ( we all park on the road in front of our houses ) I went to the borough building and asked for a copy of the town ordinances and they told me that they didn’t have any copies of the town ordinances for themselves, let alone additional copies. Conveniently for my neighbors they happen to be related to one of the highest up people on the borough council, who also claims that there is an ordinance about this but he can’t come up with an actual copy, or any kind of proof of this ordinance either. I think its outrageous that these people are gonna move in and try to tell me what I can or cant do on the street that I’ve lived on for over 10 years longer than they have. I mean I don’t do any kind of major mechanical work on the street, I will change my motor oil, or change my brakes, or if my tire goes flat I put the spare on and take the car to the tire shop. Last Thursday I was changing my brakes and it was 6pm and the neighbor came outside and started taking pictures of my car and of me and when I asked her what she was doing she just said “ what you’re doing is illegal and now I have proof ” and I asked her what she was talking about and she told me about this ordinance that she claims my town has and then she started yelling at me and was saying that her husband had to work the midnight shift that night and the funny thing was it was 6pm and he was there standing about 10 feet behind her fully clothed. I said to her that its 6 o clock in the f***** afternoon and her husband then started screaming at me saying that there’s an ordinance against cussing too and that he’d “ have me arrested right now “. Maybe I shouldn’t have sworn at her but I was mad, she had no reason to bother me and I wasn’t being noisy at all, I really don’t even know how she knew I was out in front of my house because I was being quiet and it bothered me because they know that there are people that live in my house that consistently work at night and have to sleep during the day, but they haven’t ever showed any consideration for anyone at my place who needs to have time to rest. Then, on tuesday I had a flat tire so I put the spare tire on and went to go to the tire shop and I didn’t even get a mile from my house and my passenger side rear wheel started to make this grinding noise and I was afraid to drive it any further so I turned around and limped it home and took the wheel back off and they called the cops on me. This was the first time that an officer actually came to my house and when he got there he asked me what I was doing and I told him and he said to just try and get it back together as quickly as I could and he said that he didn’t understand why the neighbors were making such a big deal about the whole thing. So, I got it back together and went down to the police station and asked if there really was an ordinance about working on my car, or changing a flat tire and the officer said that he hasn’t heard of anything like that and that he couldn’t find it and that he had talked to the chief of police earlier about what to do about the complaints that my neighbors keep making and the chief said that he’s not aware of any such ordinance and that he wouldn’t worry about it until it was shown in writing. Also, while I was down there the officer told me that these people call and complain all the time about me working on my car. He said sometimes they get 4 or 5 calls a day about it when I hardly ever do that much to my car. They must call every time I pop the hood to check my oil or something because I don’t actually work on the car that much, but I almost always check my oil before I leave home. Then, yesterday I got a $223.50 citation in the mail for disorderly conduct-unreasonable noise dated for 08-29 at 5am and it said on the citation that I was working on my car and banging on stuff and revving my engine. That is such bull****, I wasn’t working on my carWhat should i do about my ridiculous neighbor?Living halfway across the World, even i want to punch the daylights out of them. I have no idea how you actually ignored them for so long. I would have punched the guy in the head and slapped the lady on the face.
If i were you, i would take legal action and appeal the citation.What should i do about my ridiculous neighbor?Harassment.
File against them immediately.
Contact the police office who constantly gets their calls.
Get a restraining order. It will force them to move.
Also, if you have a videocam, start taping your truck out the front window at night.What should i do about my ridiculous neighbor?It sounds like something funny is going on at town hall, especially if you think your problem neighbors are related to powerful people there.
The answer you got when you asked to see the ordinance was outright obstructive. You have a right to see that ordinance. May towns have their ordinances on the inter
net at the town site. Often a copy of the local ordinances are at the public library. If a copy is not there you can ask your librarian to see if he/she can get a copy the public can see.
You can also go in with a written freedom of information request (or whatever your state calls it) You can search online for what laws your state has regarding freedom of information, and which apply to local government.
And you got a citation in the mail for something you allegedly did almost a month ago! That really does sound like someone in town hall is abusing power to help your neighbors harass you. They would have to prove that in court, but you already found out that your local court does not follow normal rules of court. Demand a hearing but also demand a change of venue to a different town.
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