Ideally you need to have the car on a flat surface, however its not always possible. My advice would with be, with the car still on the ground loosen the wheel nuts. The with the car in gear and the handbrake on jack the car up, remove the wheel then replace it with the spare.
Ja.Has anyone got any tips on how to change my flat tire. my car is on a hill. Does that matter?You normally want it on a flat surface so the car does not roll on you.Has anyone got any tips on how to change my flat tire. my car is on a hill. Does that matter?try to get it parked on the level, if not put it in gear and make sure handbrake is on firmly, loosen wheelnuts before jacking up the car using jacking point and not the floor of the car.
Raise it enought allow room for inflated wheel to go on and then remove wheel nuts, pull off wheel and put on replacement, fit wheel nuts remembering which way around the nuts face the wheel(if studs, ignore that bit).
Tighten as much as you can then lower car and tighten wheel nuts again, don't be too excessive.
Put all your stuff away and go get puncture fixed.
If you leave that wheel on the car check nuts for tightness after 50 and 100 miles, then weekly as i'm sure you always do anyway when doing regular safety checks.Has anyone got any tips on how to change my flat tire. my car is on a hill. Does that matter?can you fill the tire to move the car to a FLAT area ?Has anyone got any tips on how to change my flat tire. my car is on a hill. Does that matter?Hills matter big time. MOST (not all though) cars and vehicle's parking brakes work ONLY on the rear wheels. Not only that, vehicle jack's were designed to work ONLY on level ground. And another important thing is that most cars now days are front wheel drive transverse mounted engine/transmissions. So even with the brake on AND the car's transmission in gear, that doesn't really make it any safer to do on a hill. Drive the car to the bottom of the hill where its level. Its cheaper to replace a bent rim than it is to raise someone from the dead after being run over by a rogue run away car.Has anyone got any tips on how to change my flat tire. my car is on a hill. Does that matter?Since your stuck on on hill, block the wheels with some bricks or something and make sure the parking brake is on good. Then, just loosen the lugs, jack up the car where the tire is, finish taking off the lugs, and put the new tire on and tighten the lugs back up. Please be carefull and take your time and all should be ok.Has anyone got any tips on how to change my flat tire. my car is on a hill. Does that matter?Put it in park position and pull the hand break turn the steering wheel towards the pavement if the car is going downhill. Get your jack and spare tire. But before you jack the car make sure you loose all the nuts first. After you installed the spare tire lower the car tighten all nuts but don't use excessive force as it will damage the thread of the bolt for excessive tightness. Your maximum speed with the donut (spare tire) is only 50 mph. Remember counter clockwise for loosening the nuts.Has anyone got any tips on how to change my flat tire. my car is on a hill. Does that matter?Turn the wheel round cos it is only flat at the bottom.Has anyone got any tips on how to change my flat tire. my car is on a hill. Does that matter?hmm not ideal but is it the front or the back either way take a couple of blocks (like house bricks or around that size) and place under the wheels that are not to be jacked up now place the jack ( if using a scissor jack that came with the car this is not ideal, buy or borrow a small trolley jack, you can pick them up for a tenner) raise it up to get a bite on the body and take the weight of the car loosen nuts on wheel then raise up the car to fit the spare and get the nuts back on and lower just so the wjeel touches the ground enough to stop spinning whilst you tighten up the nuts then let it down gently take away the blocks put naff tyre in boot an go buy a new tyre. happy days.