Hi, I just got my own car (my parents got a new one, I got theirs). its a 2001 toyota rav4. I am not too familiar with the technical stuff of cars. I am going to do some interior work on it but want it to last a long time (my parents dont maintain cars too well). I was wondering if theres a guide out there to teach how to maintain a car the best way (oil changes, tires, etc). Not just the basics, but everything to make it last a long time (some talk about getting 300,000 miles with this car). I want it to last that long. what can I do by myself to maintenance it? any guides are welcome as well. Thanks!Car maintenance 101?Purchase a repair manual for it. Haynes is usually better than Chiltons. It is more descriptive. Read it. Some of the normal preventative maintenance like oil changes, and filter changes are common no matter what vehicle. If you know someone that changes their own oil, ask them to help you. The best thing you can do, it buy the book and read!Car maintenance 101?oil change every 3000
radiator flushed and transmission flushed every 30000
timing belt, water pump, tensioner, and serpentine belt 60000
spark plugs and ignition wires every 30000
air filter 20000
I think i pretty much sum it all up, maybe other ppls can chip in too.Car maintenance 101?the best thing you or anyone can do is follow the maintenance schedule in the owners manual, especially
change the oil regularly. vehicles are just too expensive not to take care of them.Car maintenance 101?I would avoid Haynes and/or Chiltons and get a factory Toyota shop manual. The kind they use to train dealer mechanics. If that costs $1000, then just get the Haynes.
I very much agree with the advice to read it. You'll be amazed what you'd learn from that.
Find a friend that maintains his own car and ask him for advice. Learn from your mistakes. That's what works.