Monday, September 19, 2011

Everytime my 99 528i bmw is in drive and at a stop it makes a weird noise?

and its fairly loud, its kind of a rattling but not really, its kind of undescribable. I know that i need a new idler pulley and from what im told if i do that i need my belts changed to would this fix it? also i was told that my power steering is loud when im idle or going under around 20 due to my idler pulley being so bad, is this true or just some mechanic bullshit? please help me out here!

im completely oblivious when it comes to cars especially my car haha i know its sad the only thing i know how to do on my car is change the tires, change the lights, and fill it up with gas haha please be specific if u tell me to do somethingEverytime my 99 528i bmw is in drive and at a stop it makes a weird noise?Change the idler and tensioner. The belt depends on how long ago it have being changed if ever. If you don't know then change the belt also. It's just $30.

See what happens after that. Hope your power steering pump is okay. Check the fluid level.
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